Dragon’s Loyalty Award

Today is my last award acceptance post. A few months ago, Bessie Lark nominated me for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award. A big thanks to Bessie Lark for nominating me! 😀 All right, so the rules are:

1. Display the award on your blog

2. Announce your “win” with a post

3. Present the award to 15 deserving bloggers

4. Drop them a comment to let them know

5. Post seven interesting things about yourself

I’m supposed to nominate 15 blogs, but I’m afraid I don’t have quite that many. Don’t call the dragon on me! (Apologies to the people I swamped with awards!)

Of A Writerly Sort

Like Star Filled Skies

Riot of Prose

Character Names Galore

The Randomness of a Teenage Writer

Jennifer K. Marsh

Now, seven facts about myself:

1. I am a night owl rather than a morning bird.

2. My favorite Youtube channel is Blimey Cow.

3. The last novel I read was Saving Thanehaven by Catherine Jinks.

4. I have some English money. The oldest coin is from 1887. My favorite is a 1942 three pence coin. I keep all the coins in a hedgehog bank. 🙂

5. I beat the LEGO Lord of the Rings Wii game. It was a ton of fun, and my favorite characters to be were Aragorn and Rosie.

6. The first thing I learned how to draw was a dragon.

7. My WordPress username comes from a nickname for my cat, Anya. She can be a monster, and so we call her Anster Monster. The “14” part of the username comes from the day of my birthday.

Thanks for reading, and thanks again to Bessie Lark for nominating me for this award!

~ Kayla

4 thoughts on “Dragon’s Loyalty Award

  1. Thanks so much for the award 🙂

    Blimey Cow is brilliant, right? They really make me smile.
    I love how the first thing you learnt how to draw was a dragon! 😮 Amazing! I wish I could draw dragons. I try, but they always end up looking like lizards. Although, I haven’t tried drawing one for a long time… Maybe I should 😛

    • You’re welcome!

      Blimey Cow is the best. As soon as I wake up on Monday, I watch the new Messy Mondays!

      Dragon drawing troubles? Then do I have the perfect book for you. ;)Today’s post is all about my favorite drawing books, and one of them is about drawing dragons. That is really what taught me how to draw them. 🙂

  2. Pingback: The Dragon of Dreams | Jennifer K. Marsh

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